
Top Rated Great Nonprofit 2014!

Thank you! Thank you for supporting and powering and enabling MickaCoo to be a great nonprofit! And thank you for endorsing our life-saving, culture-changing work with your five star reviews and earning MickaCoo, for the third year in a row, the distinction of being a “Top-Rated Nonprofit”! Great Nonprofits writes, “Think of the program like a people’s choice awards where volunteers, donors and people served by the great work of each and every nonprofit can cast their vote in the form of a review to express their appreciation and potentially win nonprofits a spot on the List…This is a great honor, given less than 10% of eligible nonprofits have received this distinction.”

Rescued King pigeon Clyde tells MickaCoo volunteer Cheryl how he feels

MickaCoo volunteer Cheryl listening to what rescued King pigeon Clyde has to say

The birds can’t write reviews for our work. We thank you for doing so on their behalf!

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Some of our reviews:

“MickaCoo truly serves the welfare and rights of domestic pigeons, a bird too often maligned. I’m often surprised by the dedication and compassion of their staff, volunteers and supporters by how they go to great lengths to rescue pigeons found lost outdoors or in shelters and needing medical care. MickaCoo addresses all aspects of this issue, not just rescuing and caring for these birds, but doing adoptions, education on how great pjs are, and classes on caretaking. They partner with local groups and agencies to offer these services. I don’t have much money for donations, but always feel that some must go to this organization. 7/29/14”

“The MickaCoo organization is truly exceptional in that its volunteers go above and beyond in order to secure safe, happy homes that are specifically appropriate to each individual bird. After rescuing a wounded baby dove last summer, I was at a loss for what to do with the little guy. I ended up raising him myself, as one of his legs was permanently crippled and he could not be released into the wild. I searched for months trying to find a home for him, only to be met with closed doors and negative reactions. After stumbling upon the MickaCoo website during one of my searches, I immediately emailed the organization. MickaCoo began the process of pairing my dove with suitable partners (both human and dove). I was touched by their concern for the welfare of this tiny creature. When the time came to give “Tweet” up, I was confident he was in good hands. The work MickaCoo does is invaluable, and gives precious, oft overlooked birds, a chance at a healthy, happy life! 4/7/14″

“MickaCoo had my heart at the word “pigeon.” An organization that rescues, rehabilitates and champions animals who so often get the short shrift in our world earns my affection and respect for that endeavor alone. But MickaCoo transcends even that valuable role. They exceed all expectations of compassion when it comes to interpersonal advocacy. 

Several years ago, my husband and I found ourselves with a lost and unwanted racing pigeon, no outdoor space, and no real guidance on how to care for our new rescue. Even as a volunteer wildlife rehabilitator, I had precious few contacts in terms helping domestic pigeons. 

Despite an always overwhelming case load, MickaCoo stepped up to offer us counsel and resources. It was through MickaCoo that we learned how to properly house, feed and care for our wayward bird. MickaCoo came in to help when we encountered a rescue situation that was beyond our capacities to handle. And it is entirely because of MickaCoo — and the deep care they showed for the birds and for us — that we ourselves, became allies and advocates for the well-being of pigeons. 

It’s difficult to assign a value to the tireless work of animal rescue and advocacy groups. No quantification can possibly capture the totality of what they do. But I can think of no greater measure of an organization than its ability to change hearts and minds. MickaCoo and its volunteers, through their own passions and commitments, did just that. They engendered in us a deep ethic of care for these birds — and they continuously create a lasting legacy of compassion, one by one, bird by bird. 3/25/14″

You can see all our reviews here.

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