
Dress for (Pigeon) Success!


Palomacy- It’s Pigeon Diplomacy

Becoming Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Adoptions has been an awesome experience. We hatched in 2007 nestled under the loving wings of Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue and we will always cherish our first years as MickaCoo Pigeon & Dove Rescue (and we’ll always be MickaCoogars!) but it has been invigorating to transition from our accidental (and very reluctant) past into a new and chosen future. One of the fun discoveries I’ve had is how nice it is to see others dressed for (pigeon) success in our Palomacy shirts!

Compassion is beautiful!

A cool company called BonfireFunds that helps nonprofits sell shirts and raise funds is handling the production and distribution for us and we have been having a great time with our Palomacy shirt campaigns! Our first launch lasted for 2 weeks. We blew through our minimum goal of 50 shirts to sell 108 and we raised $1106 for bird rescue!

Palomacy Shirts

Then, by popular demand, we’ve re-launched with a second and now a third shirt sale campaign! We’ve sold 36 more shirts and raised an additional $335 so far!

Right now, you’ve got only two more days to order your Palomacy shirts (there are five styles to choose from). This sale ends Saturday, Feb 28th at 9 PM PST. So don’t wait! Order your Palomacy shirts right now. You’ll be helping the birds and looking great while you do it!

Palomacy shirts- what everbirdy cool is wearing

Palomacy shirts- what everbirdy cool is wearing

Campaign #3
If you’d like to know more about how BonfireFunds works, I’d be happy to tell you about our experience. I highly recommend them as a way to raise awareness and funds for your cause while also rewarding your supporters with a great shirt. Their customer service has been excellent, the shirts are great and their prices competitive. We are earning an average of $7 for each shirt sold. There’s also a referral program so if you want to do this and use our referral code, we’ll earn an extra $100. (But I’d recommend them even without that incentive.) For more info, contact Elizabeth.

Elizabeth & Hester

Elizabeth & Hester say Hi!

Check out Commander Holly’s Help a Birb, Buy a Shirt video!

THANK YOU to everybirdy for all of your support of this special work that we are doing! And please send us your Palomacy shirt selfies!


Palomacy- It’s Pigeon Diplomacy


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