
Aurora’s Triumph

Aurora: Triumphant!

Aurora: Triumphant!

Aurora is a young survivor of pigeon racing who was found with two broken legs. Her finders kept her in a small, unsafe cage and didn’t seek any vet care for her. When MickaCoo learned of her plight a couple of months later, we picked her up the same day- the fourth of July. (See Aurora’s rescue story.)  Her “good” leg had mended on its own but was swollen, constricted by her leg band and infected with painful bumble foot. Her bad leg had fused backwards. Jill, the volunteer who dropped everything on a holiday to rescue Aurora, shot this heartbreaking video of her condition on intake.

Crippled with a backward leg

Crippled with a backward leg

Aurora was taken to the Medical Center for Birds the next day and, after treatment to heal her good leg, she underwent corrective surgery on the backwards leg July 9th. Her mis-healed leg was surgically re-broken, carefully rotated and stabilized with an external fixator in an effort to restore her ability to walk.


Surgery nearly finished


Aurora proved herself to be a perfect patient

Once home from the hospital, Aurora was lovingly cared for by her foster mom Jill. Aurora was confined to a small crate for over a month to increase the chances for a successful healing.


Dark-eyed beauty watching the world outside her crate


Aurora never complained

Jill transported Aurora back to Medical Center for Birds for periodic rechecks.

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In expert hands

Aurora’s recovery had a setback in August when she developed an infection. She was rehospitalized for three days.


An infection set her back but both feet are facing forward!


Aurora loves Jill’s loving

By the end of August, Aurora was healed and had her fixator out and bandages off! Here she is luxuriating in her first bath in months!


Happy, molting and soaking Aurora


“Please, a little privacy?”

And here’s Aurora showing off her ever improving walking skills!

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Walk therapy

On September 16th, Aurora celebrated her transformation by moving outside to join the flock in Jill’s aviary!

Jill writes, It was such an honor helping Aurora blossom. It’s even more exciting to see her thrive among her own kind, outside in the aviary. She deserved this chance at a normal, healthy life. I’m grateful that MickaCoo considers these wonderful birds worthy of this level of care. Aurora is a very young pigeon. She is grateful for a second chance at living her life- this time not used as a tool for somebody’s hobby but rather protected and cherished as a member of a flock family.

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Aurora: Restored!

Ultimately, even with multiple, generous discounts applied, Aurora’s medical care cost $2087.93.

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We could never have rescued Aurora nor Indy, Clementine, Ash, Guru, Dylan or any of the many others we’re helping without you. Thank you!

Thank you for supporting the work we do to help these beautiful, intelligent, forgiving birds.

Please help us to continue. Make a donation today. Every dollar helps! Every life matters!


Aurora: Proud to be standing tall!

Aurora: Triumphant!

Aurora: Triumphant!


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