
Please Support Palomacy as a Monthly Donor

Pigeon racing survivor Calliope

Every day Palomacy helps birds who have no place to turn- displaced doves, pigeon racing survivors, unreleasable ferals, King pigeons that dodge the butcher…

We need your help to save the lives of the many doves & pigeons who, through no fault of their own, are injured, homeless, in jeopardy.

We help birds every day & by signing up as a monthly Palomacy donor, you are saying, I’m with you. I want to help save lives, raise awareness & inspire compassion. I am in.

Sign up for whatever amount works for you, cancel any time if needed. It’s safe, convenient & the most effective way to help Palomacy help birds… Signing up at $15 per month equals .50 cents per day, $50 per month is a daily contribution of $1.67. How much is Palomacy worth to you?

Ringneck dove Ezra was rescued from a cat. (Her wings & tail had been clipped short for use as a magician’s prop.)

Every day we are providing for more than 150 birds in our foster care plus helping many others from all over the country and beyond through the expert counseling and referral of our Palomacy Help Group. Every week, our website is visited by more than 1,000 people seeking help and information, every month we are engaging with more than 30,000 people about bird rescue and adoption through social media and every month our adoptable birds receive more than 50,000 views on pet adoption websites! (See what people say about Palomacy.) Together we are making a difference.

On March 1st, we had 42 generous monthly donors contributing a total of $945 each month. We need more support to sustain this effort and we have challenged ourselves to inspire 100 new monthly donors to sign up. As of May 1st, we are up 23 to 65 monthly donors contributing $1909 each month!

Please join us to support Palomacy. We need YOU!


Elizabeth Young, founder & executive director



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