
A Tale of Two Fledglings

Guest Post by Sky

Rescued fledgling pigeon Pidgey

We have always had an abundance of birds at the barn- barn swallows, blue jays, crows, geese, etc. It was no surprise when a mated pair of pigeons started building a nest in our hay loft. However, it was a surprise when I walked into one of my horse’s stalls and saw a bird just sitting on the floor. I got closer and picked the baby right up. Assuming it was injured, I began calling wildlife rehabbers but, because pigeons are considered non-native, could find no one to help. I did more research and found the Palomacy Pigeon & Dove Help Group on Facebook. I joined and posted immediately. Elizabeth and I spoke on the phone and decided the best course of action was to give the pigeon a few days of rest and to re-evaluate, assuming it was solely spinal cord swelling that would subside with time. I named the sweet little bird Pidgey. Pidgey learned how to self-feed by watching a video of Palomacy pigeon Glory when he was a fledgling excitedly squeaking and eating. Pigeons are so smart.

Rescued fledgling Pidgey supported in a rolled-towel-noodle donut

Unfortunately, the pigeon’s left foot grew numb and cold and Elizabeth and I agreed a vet visit was in order. The vet examined her and felt a bend in her left leg. The radiographs showed just what the vet suspected: a severe break in Pidgey’s left leg. It was determined that Pidgey could live a perfectly happy life as a pet and the vet placed a splint on her leg. We also took home prescriptions for Meloxicam and Gabapentin. Pidgey LOVES to cuddle and is doing well.

Pidgey broke her left leg in the 50′ fall from the nest to the barn floor

Pidgey is a very good little patient

Just when we had fundraised enough to cover Pidgey’s $400 vet bill, something else happened. Again, I walked into my horse’s stall and found another bird sitting there, Pidgey’s twin, using her wings to try to walk. I was in disbelief. This time, I brought the fledgling up to the hay loft and sat her on the floor below the nest in hopes that she would make her way back up. When I returned in the morning, she was still there. I took her home and named her Scout. I reached out to Elizabeth, Ashley, and the other moderators of the Palomacy group. Once again considering spinal trauma from the fall the likeliest option, I provided supportive care, administered Meloxicam and let her rest and keep company with her twin Pidgey.

The rescued twins, Pidgey & Scout, relaxing with Sky

Two more days went by with no improvement so I brought Scout with me to Pidgey’s follow up appointment with the vet. They took radiographs of both legs and her spine. The vet came back into the room after some time and said that both of Scout’s legs were broken.

She told me we could try to splint both of her legs or we might consider euthanasia. I quickly called Elizabeth to ask her thoughts. She assured me that we weren’t there yet, “We don’t start with euthanasia.” I agreed. Scout now has both legs in splints and is on Meloxicam and Gabapentin.

Scout broke both her legs in the 50′ fall from hay loft nest to the barn floor

Pidgey and Scout are home and doing extremely well, especially considering what they’ve both been through at such a young age. We have a long ways to go with many more follow up appointments, but I know these birds will have a long, amazing life! (And we’re adding a barrier around the hay drop to protect future fledglings from a 50′ fall.)

Pidgey & Scout- safe!

If you would like to contribute towards Pidgey & Scout’s 3-broken-legs vet bill, please click here. (If there are any funds left over, they will be donated to Palomacy.) Thank you.

I have always loved animals and since I could talk they’ve been all I’ve had any interest in. I lost my dad at the age of eleven and while my love started long before that, the animals in my life have been a tremendous source of comfort since his passing. I share my life with two horses, my pug x boston terrier mix, two leopard geckos, a hamster, a ball python, and (now) two pigeons.


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