
Palomacy Urgently Needs Your Support


Brave & srong “dove release” survivor Stardust (Tracy)

THANK YOU VERY MUCH to 147 very generous donors who emergency contributed the $12,191 so urgently needed to sustain this unprecedented rescue work. Brave little Tracy (now named Stardust), the “dove release” Homer, came through her wing amputation beautifully & is being fostered to adopt by the vet tech who fell in love when she stayed late removing all the maggots in her terrible wound. I’m very sorry to report that little Blossom, the badly injured raced pigeon, died during the night on 5/20 as a result of internal bleeding. Injured racing pigeon Gumball’s broken wing bones didn’t knit & he had his amputation surgery on Friday & was discharged to foster care on Tuesday. On 5/23, we took in a pigeon found in Vallejo with only one leg & a King pigeon named Willy suffering neuro symptoms who was timed out & facing shelter euthanasia. (Both are doing well & privately-rescued Noble is too!)

Your generous support has a really far-reaching impact. Every day.

Thank You



Pigeon-racing survivor Blossom, found lying injured on a San Francisco beach, “unable to walk or fly and about to drown” is now, thanks to you, hospitalized and getting the avian vet care needed to try and save his life.

Costs are way up and expenses have outpaced our funding. We have two options: Raise more money (we need another $12,000 this month) or serve fewer birds. And that’s really no choice at all. We help the birds that no one else will.

So I’m here to raise more money.


Blossom is not even two months old. He’s squeaking to the vet staff for attention. His badly injured leg needs to be amputated. So far, his hospital bill is $2,400 and the amputation needed for his irreparable leg will cost $1,500 more.

We save birds by the grace of your support. Together we are creating compassion and care for pigeons where there had been only death. We have rescued, fostered and adopted hundreds already this year. And every day there are more needing help.


When exhausted little “dove release” pigeon Tracy was rescued, she was hiding helpless in a barn with a compound fractured wing, infected and maggot-infested.

Amazing Palomacy volunteer and pigeon rescuer Nicole Smith wrote in a GoFundMe she created to privately rescue baby pigeon Noble:

The vet asked me how I wanted to proceed since the bill is stacking up, and it’s still unclear if Noble’s internal injuries are too extensive to heal. I told the vet two things: I didn’t want to give up on Noble because of money, and I didn’t want to keep Noble alive if Noble was ready to let go. 

And with that, Nicole summed up exactly how Palomacy feels.

Fledgling Tracy is not even eight weeks old, still squeaking. She’s also hospitalized, fighting sepsis to get strong enough for surgery to remove the dead wing. Her vet bill is already over $2,000, before amputation surgery.

We urgently need your extra generous support today so that we can continue saying Yes to helping the Blossoms and Tracys and the Amelias and Lilos and Pearls and Kennys and Gumballs and and and that depend on us. (Not every Noble finds a Nicole.) Together, we are providing life-saving care when there is no one else.


Thank you for helping
Palomacy help birds

We are grateful for you! 


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